Well, school is over and summer is in full swing. We have attended three VBS programs at three churches, two themed Outback Island and one was Cowboy Canyon. This week the boys have another one called Power Lab. They have loved both programs and were kind of bummed that there was no VBS to attend last week.
This week and next they are attending Swim Camp, which is an eight-day swimming lessons program (M-Th for two weeks.)
Music Man has completed the second grade. He is gearing up for third grade at Hernando Hills Elementary School at the same school he attended second grade. He will have a new teacher who does a modified curriculum. We have an Assisted Technology consultation next month to evaluate his needs in the way of testing and doing his assignment. Because writing is difficult for him, it takes an incredibly long time for him to complete written assignments and tests. We are looking at computer system to help him do his assignments on. Music Man has been doing well physically speaking for quite some time. He did have two episodes in November and we saw his specialist. Assuming that he was refluxing we made some modifications and have not had any episodes since then. Unfortunately, since that means he could be refluxing again, we need to have a barium swallow study done and rule it out (or in.) If he is refluxing again, it could mean we have to have his nissen fundoplication redone and the GTube will have to stay in place.
Farm Boy will be back in Mother's Day Out next year again with the same teacher at the same school. Most of his buddies are going to kindergarten, so he will be one of, if not THE, oldest in his class. He loves his teacher and enjoys the program. His teacher actually writes her own curriculum and works with the kids rather than just supervises them for six hours. They also get to go to the gym and have recess, both of which he loves.
That's all for now. I'm still trying to get used to blogging. :)
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