Sunday, December 18, 2011

TOS Review: Vintage Remedies

My friends and family think I'm weird. It started five years ago when we began treating Music Man's ADHD with diet instead of medicine. We took artificial flavors and colors out of our diet and began eating differently than most of those around us. It took some getting used to but we soon adjusted and we are so much healthier for it. As my kids got older they began questioning some of the decisions I make related to our eating habits. It was challenging when we would visit family and friends who still ate what we called "bad food." 

Enter Vintage Remedies for Guys.


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

TOS Review: I See Cards Fractazmic

We love games around here. Card games are probably one of our favorite types of games!  And learning, well, yeah, we love that too. (Seriously!) 

Fractazmic is a fractions card game. The game play reminds me of Gin Rummy. Instead of a group of cards in laid out in ascending order, in Fractazmic the object is to add the different fractions up to make a whole, or "1."

There are three colors of cards (or suits) and these adorable cartoon pictures that help kids see the fraction in their head. My boys thrive on seeing how math works. Fractazmic is a great hands-on activity that shows how the part of a whole fits together without the mess of cooking (which is how we usually work with fractions!)

What's It Gonna Cost Me?

Other Products 
Pyromath (I reviewed Pyromath in 2010.)
Prime Bomb
I See Cards (A car game that also teaches Spanish!) 

Check It Out
The online versions of Fractazmic and Pyromath are available on the I See Cards website. Play for your chance to win your own deck!

Final Word
This is a great game for learning, but don't expect your kids to want to play this on game night.  It is a nice change from our regular math routine and definitely teaches.

Legal Disclaimer: As a member of the TOS Crew, I received Fractazmic free of charge from I See Cards for the purpose of review. No other compensation was received.

Monday, December 5, 2011

FFH One Silent Night Winner!

Congratulations, Karen D! Be watching your email for a download link for 'One Silent Night!'
I love Christmas music!

Karen D

November 16, 2011 4:38 PM 

TOS Review: Artistic Pursuits Book 1

I first heard of Artistic Pursuits last year but since we were so young in our homeschool did not look into it very much. When given the opportunity to review it this year, I jumped at the chance. I chose Book 1 since my kids are early elementary. 

Book 1 is a great place to start. With 32 lessons, it is very do-able to get through in a school year. It is designed to introduce art history as well as a hands-on art project that relates to the particular era and medium being studied.  

Friday, December 2, 2011

A Few of My Favorite Things

Nester had a guest poster a few days ago, her friend Haley from The Tiny Twig. She talked about a really cool girl party for the holidays themed around "favorite things" (a la Oprah.) She also invited us to share a few of our favorite things ($30 and under.) So here are mine!

Epson Salts
Yep, this is seriously one of my favorite things. If I every have a Favorite Things party, everyone will be getting this. A $3 bag of epson salts from Wally World. There is always at least one bag in my house (usually several!) I soak my feet every night after my kids go to bed. Yes, I said EVERY night. My hubby even knows I function better after my foot soak and gets it ready for me most nights! It is my super-cheap absolutely necessary indulgence after homeschooling, taxi-driving and attempting to keep my house in decent order. Try it. Twenty minutes of heaven.

Good Earth Lemongrass Green Tea
It was the first hot tea I ever loved so much I would drink even last drop!! I love teas but would often only drink about half a cup before I would set it down and forget about it. Maybe it was my ADD-having-to-do-several-things-at-once self. But I think they call it multi-tasking now. Anyway, not with this tea. I savor each sip. I get misty-eyed when I run out. (OK, not really, but it is that good!) (And it goes great with an epson salt foot soak!)

Lemon Vinegar
If you spend any amount of time with me, you will soon discover that I have Multiple Chemical Sensitivity or MCS. That basically means that I react like I have allergies to any artificial fragrances (like perfume, candles, air fresheners) or harsh chemicals (anything that most people clean with.) I used to clean with plain ol' white vinegar. It isn't fancy and doesn't smell great, but I didn't react to it. AND it did the job. However, after discovering The Grocery Shrink last year, I have been making lemon vinegar and on occasion, orange vinegar! You just toss the lemon (or orange or lime) peels into a jar and cover with plain ol' cheap white vinegar. In a few days (or weeks if you forget it) you will have this pretty colored vinegar with a nicer smell to it. (The peels will be looking pretty yucky by then. Sometimes I remove them and sometimes I don't!) If you add a little lemon essential oils to it, the smell is even better!

So there are three of my favorite things. I love the idea of hosting a Favorite THiiiiiinnnnnnngs!  party with girlfriends. Do you have something special to celebrate the holidays with your girlfriends? What "favorite thing" would you share with them?
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